
World's most advanced Arabic MAM Solution

Ability to manage, preview and transcode .dpx image sequences, Arriraw files, Apple ProRes, Sony XDCAM and .dng photos for playback .


  • Intuitive user interface: for easy management and retrieval of media assets.
  • Unlimited metadata fields: Efficient metadata handling capabilities for tagging, searching, and managing assets in both Arabic and English Languages. Ability to search Arabic words by roots is a plus.
  • Robust automated Metadata tagging: with facial recognition, logo recognition, speech recognition (Arabic & English) and voice recognition. AI media enhancement capabilities using deep learning.
  • Robust security features: to protect digital assets and user data. different access rights to content for different users and groups.

Overcome retail dilemmas

scalable to accommodate future expansion of digital assets and user base.

Retrieve specific parts of videos without the need to download the whole file when needed, creating subclips and adding markers.

Clients Runs on recent versions of both Microsoft Windows and Apple OSX. run hybrid On-Premises and cloud. Clients able to access it on both according to their user rights.

Uses files directly in their original locations, without the need to copy them. track file locations, move them between different storage tiers and generate low-res proxies.

Allow teams to collaborate with Tagging, Markup, Versioning, Chat, Review, and Approval.

policy-driven automation capabilities.

Media scanning, transcoding, AI tagging, and enhancement. (hardware configuration, hardware acceleration taken into consideration)


Security for any App, any Platform, any Cloud

  • Google-Cloud-Platform.png
  • docker.png
  • kubernetes.png
  • Openshift.png
  • AWS-2.png
  • azure.png
  • unnamed-11-2.png

Google Cloud Platform

The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin


The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin


The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin

Red Hat OpenShift

The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin

Amazon Web Services

The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin

Microsoft Azure

The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin


The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin